Volume 1 01. Early Works02. Big Forms03. The Space of Experience04. Anatomy of Feelings05. Women06. Men07. City dialogue, 1961 triptych n°1. classical, 1962 triptych n°2. two principles, 1962 pentaptych n°1. atomic station, 1962 small triptych, 1963 triptych n°3: exodus (dedicated to r.s.), 1963 small triptych, 1964 triptych n°4. a being in the universe (dedicated to dmitri shostakovich), 1964 triptych n°5. adam and eve, 1965 triptych n°6. we in the world, 1966 triptych n°7. song of songs, 1967 triptych n°8. adam and eve. ii, 1969 triptych n°9. anatomy of the soul, 1970 triptych n°10. no title, 1971 door (dedicated to the parents of my parents…), 1972 triptych n°11. moments of eternity (dedicated to alexandre rabinovitch), 1974 small triptych, 1978 triptych n°12. requiem, 1978 pentaptych n°2. adam and eve, 1980. triptych n°13. space of experience (dedicated to vladimir tarassov), 1984-1985 pentaptych n°3. sodom and gomorrah, 1985 triptych n°14. self-portrait (in memory of a father), 1987 suicide in a landscape, 1989 people in boxes, 1990 monument heroïque, 1994 a mock-up of the installation red carrousel, 2004 triptych n°15. no title, 1997 triptych n°16. no title, 1997 triptych n°17. no title, 1997 small triptych, 1997 small triptych, 1999 triptych no. 18. day after day, 2002 door. ii. space of dreams, 2004 door. iii: solitude, 2005 door. iv: chez soi /by oneself (melancholy), 2005 triptych n°19. adam and eve. iii, 2005 triptych n°20. adam and eve. iv, 2005 triptych n°21. adam and eve. v, 2005 triptych n°22. flow of life, 2006 triptych n°23. memory, 2007 triptych n°24. sarcophagus, 2008 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych no. 25: metamorphosis, 2008 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych n°26. demons, 2008 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych n°27. alone, 2008 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych n°28. pursuit for itself (or soul searching), 2008 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych n°29. time of geometry and time of mutations, 2010-2011 from the cycle megalopolis. triptych n°30. adam and eve, vi. banishment from the paradise, 2010 triptych n°31. myth birth, 2012 triptych n°32. incomprehensibility of life / inconceivable of the etre / unfathomable of life, 2013 triptych n°33. the divine comedy, 2014 triptych n°34. talking to yourself, 2014 the divine comedy. ii. the last judgement, 2015 requiem. ii, 2015 the divine comedy. iii. the last judgement, 2015 sarcophagus. ii, 2008. 2015 requiem. iii, 2016 between earth and sky, 2016 take a train... i, 1992 take a train... ii, 1992 take a train... iii, 1992 take a train... iv, 1992 take a train... v, 1992 take a train... vi, 1992 take a train… .viii, 1991 take a train… ix, 1992-2011 take a train... vii, 1992