Hundertwasser, Kroemer Circle.

Hundertwasser Hundertwasser


Arken Museum of Modern Art
Skovvej 100
DK-2635 Ishøj

Comment s'y rendre ?

"I want to show how basically simple it is to have paradise on earth." So said the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000). Today, with his ideas on green architecture, ecology and ‘urban gardening’, he is more topical than ever. Hundertwasser's heart beat fondly for the liberation of nature and mankind. He was a painter, eco-activist and architect who with his pictures, manifestos and fairytale buildings wanted to make the world a better place. His spectrum includes mixed brightly coloured spirals, golden cupolas and wild-growing trees with things as down-to-earth as humus toilets, nettle soup and home-sewn clothes. In his time he was controversial.

Hundertwasser’s paintings and his buildings both look like living organisms. They grow before our eyes. He scorned geometrically straight lines and sad, monotonous housing. With paintings, prints, design, architectural models, films, photos and quotations the exhibition guides us into the artist’s enchanting universe.