Arianne Foks, Aphrodite 116-125, 2015, collage, charcoal, and felt on coated paper, 49x34 cm

Attempt to Cover the Sky Arianne Foks

jeu 4 juin 2015, 19:00

Galerie E.G.P
20, rue Germain Pilon
75018 Paris

Comment s'y rendre ?

Galerie E.G.P is pleased to present the first solo show of artist Arianne Foks, Attempt to Cover the Sky. This is the first time that the artist’s drawings, collages and paper works will be exhibited.
For both her performances and drawings, Arianne Foks uses actual everyday life or its fantasized version, in order to question reality. These at once absurd and concrete questions try to transform us; these poetic metamorphoses blur our limits between personal realities and fictions.

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