Michael Krupp, U.T., 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 45 cm x 45 cm

Man Man Mann René Korten, Ton Slits, Michael Krupp

sam 14 Mar 2015, 16:00

Elisabethstrasse 95
40217 Düsseldorf

Comment s'y rendre ?

SHI FANG Fine Art in Düsseldorf will be opening the exhibition "Man Man Mann" on the 14th of March 2015. The show presents three male abstract painter from the same generation: two Dutch painters Ton Slits (*1955 ) and René Krupp (*1957) as well as the German artist Michael Krupp (*1954).

Rene Korten, Michael Krupp, and Ton Slits focus on different subject matter, however their approach is similar; using layers of materials and shapes. Rene Korten’s work is less structured and has more soft edges; when lines appear in his work, they are fine and are assimilated into the textures that surround them. In Slits’ work, lines and shapes are bold with hard edges, and sometimes seem to transform into figurative representations. In the work of Michael Krupp, figurative and structured shapes are almost completely absent; the focus is on the tactile surfaces created by his choice of materials, and gradual changes in depth.