Elham Rokni

Opening reception for "After Party" Afshin Chizari, Arash Fayez, Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, Babak Kazemi, Elham Rokni, Aram Tahmasebi.

ven 9 Sep 2016, 19:00

Fouladi Projects
1803 Market Street
san francisco, CA 94103

Comment s'y rendre ?

After Party
Opening Reception September 9, 6 – 8pm.
Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Video Installation
by Afshin Chizari, Arash Fayez, Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, Babak Kazemi, Elham
Rokni, Aram Tahmasebi.
The title After Party refers to events that transpired after The Iranian Revolution.
Artworks in the exhibition were created by artists born in Iran after 1979.
The revolution started with a significant amount of excitement. However, many
changes in a relatively short period of time have shaped a complex post
revolutionary experience. Some of the artists grew up during the eight year-long
Iran Iraq war while others have memories of immigration and dislocation. Then
there are the hopeful and rebellious new internet generation - the Iranian
millennials that the world has yet to see.