
Saison 7 Gérard Alary


rue Veydt 15
1060 brussels

Comment s'y rendre ?

Saison 7 (Season 7) by Gérard Alary is an explosion of knowledge of painting celebrated by a string of virtues: expressionism, monumentality, archaic or ethno-centric figures, theatricality, sacralisation, energy, affirmation, flavour.
To contemplate the work of Gérard Alary, the artist must agree to put on hold his daily and tumultuous atelier. An exhibition by Gérard Alary is therefore a rare moment, a both disturbing and surprising experience, referring to one source: his workshop.
If it were possible to sneak into his workshop and watch over his shoulder, we would see him travelling back and forth between frame, canvas and colour, his house and workshop. One may notice that each of these five territories invades one another, making the practice of the painter an impetuous whole.