The marry martyr of false balance mocks

"The sign" Prize 2014 Roberta Conti

dim 27 Juil 2014, 17:00

Zamenhof Art_Palazzo della Racchetta
Via Varspergolo 6
44121 Ferrara FE

Comment s'y rendre ?

Owing to “Ferrara Art Festival 2014” this city will flame up by the colors of contemporary art. From 24 of May until October 5 the medieval palace of Ferrara Palazzo della Racchetta will hold the artworks of more than eighty contemporary artists in only one festival, that will investigate and will try to give practical answers on the difficult issue of the constantly renewed avant-garde tradition.

“Ferrara Art Festival 2014” curated by Virgilio Patarini for Zamnehof Art, will include 24 art exhibitions alternating in the space of the palace, that for about three years, thanks to the impressive restoration work, is returned to the city and is perfect to become not only a container of important exhibitions of art, but itself protagonist as well.

Selected with "Marry martyr of false balance mocks", acrilic on canvas, 100x70cm. This work will be exposed untill august 8.