Summits and Temporal Ruins
Harriet Claire Tarbuck

Summits and Temporal Ruins Nicola McClelland

mer 10 oct 2018, 19:00

49 Shepherd Street
Marrickville NSW 2204

Comment s'y rendre ?

Verse grows from rubbish and this is the unconscious
and unforgiving poetry of objects. From forgetfulness
they rescue the abandoned thing, the used up, orphaned
thing-and return it to life”*

The embedded essence of structures, objects and atmospheres were removed, in the form of monochrome coordinate-mementoes, from a architectural site that was once the artist’s home. Transitioning across vastness and scaled up, they were rebuilt through memory and imagination by amalgamating them with detritus of urban ruins–cardboard, plastic, concrete and asphalt. The corners and edges of places that can never sit alongside each other in real space-time, combine to form temporal markers.

There are cycles of flux in these shifting planes and plateaux. What is our perception from the summits of these new forms? What recedes, what expands skywards and what reforms at ground level?

Nicola McClelland’s practice is process-driven, combines and manipulates materials in unconventional ways and resonates both literally and metaphorically. Her processes generate paradoxes between the nature of the materials and their appearance: light/heavy, soft/hard, balanced/imbalanced and temporal/permanent. Her work embodies a language that speaks of uncertain contemporary cultural and geographical contPeter D. Osborne. Milton Friedman’s Smile. Ed. Erica Carter. Space and Place: Theories of Identity and Location. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1993. 346.